Welcome from the Conference Chair
I am pleased to welcome you to the 11th International Conference on Ethics in Biology, Engineering & Medicine. Our goal is to bring together biomedical engineers, scientists, clinicians, dentists, philosophers, lawyers, students, and representatives from industry to discuss the ethical issues that face us as we make new advances in biology, engineering, dentistry and medicine, and as we develop new implants, devices, and drugs to improve medical and dental treatments and the quality of life of our patients. The papers to be presented represent a broad spectrum of topics reflecting the exciting but sometimes controversial nature of many of the new advances in biology, engineering, dentistry, and medicine. Other than Keynote Presentations, all talks are fifteen minutes long. I recommend the speakers limit their lectures to twelve minutes and leave three minutes for questions and answers.
This conference is sponsored by the University of Washington. It is co-sponsored or endorsed by the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), The American College of Dentists, the International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (IUPESM), the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), Sigma Xi and several other societies, institutions, and companies.
Many people contributed to the success of this conference. I would like to thank the Keynote speakers, invited lecturers, the authors, the session moderators, and the staff. I am sure that you shall find this conference intellectually stimulating and a highly enjoyable experience.
Welcome to Seattle, Washington.
Subrata Saha
Subrata Saha, PhD, Fellow of ACD (Honorary), AIMBE, ASME, BMES, NYAM, and Sigma Xi
Conference Chair
Department of Restorative Dentistry and Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
School of Dentistry, University of Washington
Seattle, WA
All details are given in the lin below: