This is to inform you that the Election Commission for 2021 Organizational Election has completed their due process and announced the names of the newly formed Executive Committee (EC8) in our last Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, August 28, 2021 on the virtual platform. Please see the list of EC8 members attached herewith.
In response to the Notice given by the Election Commission to the Elected Members of Executive Committee for the term 2021-2023 inviting proposal/s for different positions of Office Bearers of GAABESU, Sri Baidya Nath Roy (1965 ME) proposed six (6) members of the Executive Committee for six (6) different positions of the Office Bearers. The proposal was supported by the members of the Executive Committee (EC8) . It has also been confirmed that all the proposed candidates have their consent to serve GAABESU in the respective positions.
In the 14th AGM held on 28th August,2021 the Election Commission declared the following Executive Committee Members elected as Office Bearers of GAABESU, as per provision in clause 5.1 and 5.4 of the Regulation of the Association, for the term 2021-2023 for the positions mentioned against their names.
• President: Smt. Anjana Ganguly Roy, 1977 E&TC
• Working President: Sri Debendra Narayan Chattopadhyay, 1974 CE
• Vice President: Sri Niharendu Biswas, 1970 CE
• Secretary: Sri Sitansu Sekhar Ghosh, 1980 ME
• Treasurer: Sri Arabinda Roy, 1976 E&TC
• Jt. Secretary: Sri Amitabha Das, 1997 EE
Various Sub-committee of GAABESU
On behalf of our alumni, I congratulate the new members and wish them all the best in leading the association to serve the cause of our Alma Mater and her constituents.
Gautam Bandyopadhyay (1976 EE)
Chairman, GAABESU Election Commission 2021-23